JAN 30
Faculty Meeting– S.Sc
JAN 28
For the first time in SKV an Inter-class English Declamation Competition for classes VI & VII was held on 28th. January 2019 in MJS Hall. Auditions were held on 25th. January and out of 34 eager students, a total of 12 were chosen, comprising 3 participants from each section. The topics were based on popular proverbs, which the contestants received through “chit picking” before the competition itself. The judges for the competition were Ms. Nidhi Chaturvedi, Ms. Nabia Fatima and Ms. Shalini Agrawal. The participants were judged according to content, adherence to the topic, memorization and overall impact. Considering that this was their first attempt, the participants did very well as they presented their views with confidence, without reading from the paper. They used examples from daily life and various fables to prove their point. The competition provided the contestants with the golden opportunity to overcome stage fright, speak out loudly and clearly and show their ability to argue a point with examples – a good preparation to becoming impressive debaters. The results are awaited.
JAN 27
Eight Girls from SKV’s Badminton team participated in Jashan 2019 a Badminton Tournament, organised by LNIPE, Gwalior from 27th January to 30th January 2019. Seven girls participated in the U-15 category and one participated in the Women’s Open category. All the players from SKV performed well and were appreciated by everyone. The following Girls were the participants. Lavanya Gandhi, Shreya Prasad, Zoya Amal Rakeshi, Aarushi Pandey and Punshibi Konsam from Class IX. Tanvi Singh,Cindrela John, Aniben Rai from class VIII. Aarushi Paney won the cash prize of Rs. 2000/- for Jashan U15 Girls Singles while Lavanya Gandhi was the runners-up and won a cash prize of Rs. 1000/ in the same category.

JAN 26
SKV teachers attended the workshop based on child's creativity and how can we promote a child at Anant National University is India's First Design University situated in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. It was stablished in 2016. Ms. Sharmila Sagara (Associate professor, Anant National University) gave different type of grains to all the participants and ask to separate them.

JAN 26
SKV commemorated India’s 70th Republic Day celebrations with the hoisting of the National flag by the Principal, Mrs. Nishi Misra in the school’s main arena, followed by the school choir singing the National Anthem and a patriotic song. The principal then distributed packets of sweets and snacks to the support staff. After the formal celebrations, the entire school moved to the MJS Hall for an Inter-house Choral Singing Competition. Following a treat for the ears, it was time for a treat of another kind: a get-together of all the members of the staff and the school council in the school dining hall. It was an ideal opportunity for bonhomie between staff and students over a sumptuous spread at elevenses. Late afternoon and evening saw further fraternizing with Scindia Boys of Class XII visiting SKV, along with some of their teachers, for an open interaction that was both intellectually stimulating and fun. The highlight of the evening’s entertainment was a Bharatnatyam Dance recital, impeccably performed by the school’s dance academy, followed by a hilarious one act comedy entitled “Refund” staged by the English drama department. Dinner and dancing, alfresco style, brought the curtain down on a most varied and enjoyable Republic Day celebrations, while there were some sad farewells exchanged as the boys boarded their bus to return to their fortress! One looks forward to more such social interactions.

JAN 26
On 26th January SKV invited the class 12 teachers and students of The Scindia School for Scholar’s Circle, the motive of this event was to, through discussion of important topics of various subjects help the students to score a centum, exchange notes and knowledge. We had different rounds in this event, the first being one on one peer discussion and the next was discussion and doubt clearing session with the teachers.In the evening they had a cultural program which was put up by SKV girls, performed a pure classical Bharatanatyam dance and a act titled ‘The Refund’ which is a Russian play. Mr. Peter Strange had a major contribution in getting this play casted.The cultural eve was followed by an Open Mic event in which students of both the schools showcased their talent.Later that evening they had a dance party and special dinner which was attended by various faculty members and class 12 students of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya and The Scindia School. It was a great learning experience altogether
JAN 26
On the 26th of January 2019 SKV had the I/H Choral Singing Competition. Each house had to perform one song. The maximum number of participants from each house was 30. The performances were judged on the basis of tone, synchronization, rhythm, clarity and overall presentation. The judges for the competition were Mrs. Nishi Misra, Mrs. Naina Dhillon and Mr. Peter Strange. The house positions were as follows:1st- Vasundhara House, 2nd- Yashodhara house, 3rd- Usha House
JAN 26
Incharge- Ms. I. Chaturvedi
JAN 25
Fond Memory of Late H. H. Rajmata Vijaya Raje Scindia
In charge– Ms. Mahima & Vijaya House
JAN 24
Meeting with Principal- House Mistresses
JAN 23
Faculty Meeting – Science
JAN 21
An exciting general knowledge quiz was held on 21st January 2019 in the school auditorium. The Vice Principal, Ms. Naina Dhillon, and the events coordinator, Ms. Sanjita Luthra, presided – along with staff and a packed house of excited students from classes 6 and 7 with their thinking caps on, eager to take on the challenge of those “difficult” questions. The quiz was divided into five rounds, covering various disciplines such as language (Hindi and English), the sciences, mathematics and social sciences. The suspense was palpable as the students waited eagerly to know the answers and learn some new facts along the way. The quiz not only provided entertainment to all but was a learning experiences – and not merely for the students!

JAN 21
The IH Website competition was held in the Computer Lab on 21st January 2019. The competition was open to senior students only. Eight girls from class 12 participated in creating and designing websites on various topics such as music groups, restaurant . NGOs, and the social movement etc. Sangya Gupta and Pratika Bist from Madhavi House stood first in the competition.

JAN 20
Late Check in date after Winter Vacation
JAN 19
The Chief Guest for the evening was none other than our very own H.R Ms Vinita Hemnani who presided over the occasion. In all 76 boarders and 2 day scholars participated with enthusiasm in the program titled 'Vijaya House Entertainment Channel'. The concept, which was entirely in English, featured Anushka Kumar who played the part of an anchor on the television show WBM- “Who'll Be the Millionaire” along with 2 guests in the hot seat, of which Radhya Goyal was the permanent participant, playing none other than the dual Mr. and Mrs. 2019. There was also the presence of Mr 2019 & Ms 2019 on side stage as the two lifelines. The skits that were part of the concept were – 1. Enactment of an episode of Mr Bean; 2. Stand-up comedy show; 3. 'The Power of Yet' by Sesame Street. 4. A parody on ‘Lab Rules' 5. The song: 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams accompanied by a dance. 6. A fusion dance based on the music of Shape of You fused with notes from Carnatic and Kathak dance traditions. 7. A skit on Hindi serial productions. 8. Fashion Show entitled “Let's Join Hands” for sustainable development, which depicted two distinct worlds; the world of today filled with plastic bubble sheets, plastic bottles, tuck wrappers, kites made from old newspapers, and effects of vehicular pollution; and a bygone age of flowers, green leaves, peacock feathers, jute fibre and fabric, cotton sarees. The idea was to highlight the important lesson that the past can be recaptured in the future if we endeavour to make our planet a beautiful heaven to live in. 9. After the theme of sustainable development shown through the fashion show, we moved on to the theme of cleansing our society. This was showcased by a dance to the song Thriller by Michael Jackson. The dance depicted Michael Jackson and his friends awakening the conscience of all the negatives of our society in form of vicious crimes such as bribery, murder, theft, corruption, etc. who together take a vow to make this world a better place to live. The performances were well appreciated by all and the participants received a standing ovation.
JAN 18
• House Tutor Meeting
JAN 16
Faculty Meeting – Maths
JAN 14
CHILDREN ARE LIKE KITES, WE RUN WITH THEM UNTIL WE ARE BREATHLESS - Makarsankranti is one of the most amiable festival. Children wait for flying kites and enjoy this event to the core .It was celebrated on the 14th of January from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m in the games field. It was a wonderful sight-colourful kites in the sky and engrossed children on the field - some trying to lift the kites to some level and some running with the kites .All in all it was an enriching experience for all of them. The kites were of different patterns and colours and were printed with numerous characters that increased the fun even more. The most amazing thing that the children loved were the songs that were being played.

JAN 13
The Lohri celebrations at SKV took place on the evening of 13th January at 6.30 p.m. evening by 6:30pm. The children were assembled in front of Gajara house for the pooja which was followed by a small dance performance. After the performance the students and all those assembled received prashad and a blessing.
JAN 12
The third edition of the National Cooking Competition was held was held on 12 January 2019 at Heritage Girls School, Udaipur. The host school invited recipes for the first round under the following categories • Salad • Snacks • Desserts • Curry
Out of the 200 recipes, 16 recipes were shortlisted for the final round. SKV also registered six recipes for the competition. Three of the dishes were selected for the final round. The following girls got the opportunity to perform as finalist:
1. Advika Agrawal(Snacks category), 2. Archin Agrawal (Dessert category), 3. Priyangana Mukherjee (Curry category)
The final round was judged by renowned the chefs Vicky Ratnani, Salil Fadis, Venon Coelho and Mughda Khare..
Advika Agrawal’s katori chat, won the first prize in the snacks category. Along with a medal and a certificate, she received rupees 11000/- as prize money. Archin Agrawal and Priyangana Mukherjee also received a medal and a certificate as finalists.
Since we were in the heritage city of Rajasthan, we taken on a city tour where we visited the City Palace, Lake Pichola, the Fateh Sagar Lake and the Mansapurna Karni Ropeway. It was an amazing experience to be there. The students not only succeed in winning in a category but also benefitted by their interaction with professional chefs as well.

JAN 12
Presentation by X-seed teachers to the Principal
JAN 12
House Meeting with HM & HMs
JAN 11
On the 11th 12th and 13th of January 2019, Dr. Chinu Agarwal, a renowned psychologist enriched the teachers as well as the students of classes 10 and 11 with her thought provoking lecture. Her talk centred on “Deep rooted cleansing” and “The Importance of forgiveness and gratitude” as the key to peaceful living. Dr. Agarwal in her talk opened up insights into the human mind. She informed the enthralled audience about a phenomenon called the stroke economy, which creates a scarcity of love and affection in the human psyche; and how one needs to defy the stroke economy rules and appreciate one’s own self and everyone else, ultimately leading to a happiness index. The students were also taught how they can study and memorize in an effective way and ways in which they can organize themselves in order to be more focused. It was an enriching experience and one looks forward to more such educational and illuminating workshops in the near future.
JAN 11
There are 71 children in Class 7, therefore their science activities were held over two days - on January-16 and 17. The children were divided into nine groups, with 4 students in each group. The activities were explained to them in advance – which comprised: 1 .Preparation of saturated solution, 2. Testing the presence of acid in lemon and tomato, 3. Testing the presence of base in detergent, soap and toothpaste., 4. Fire extinguishers, 5. Magnetic effects, 6. Mirror-concave mirrors, 7. Principle of submarine, 8. Multiple reflection of mirrors, 9. Effect of pressure, The students learnt a lot through hands-on work.

JAN 10
The Science activity for Class VI was conducted on 10thJanuary 2019. The class was divided into eight groups. Each group was given a different set of activities to perform. It was heartening to see our budding scientists take on their challenges with full gusto. That science can be fun was very clear for all to see. All students eagerly participated in the group discussion, reflecting on what they had learnt and how to apply it to everyday life. In the end it was a fruitful learning experience as students learnt new concepts through hands-on activity.

JAN 10
Meeting with Principal- HM & HMs
JAN 09
Faculty Meeting – Hindi
JAN 07
Pre Board II (Class X & XII) begins
JAN 06
• Check In after Winter Vacation till 6:00 pm
• Winter Schedule to be followed
JAN 05
Academic Staff to report
JAN 04