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JUL 24

Inter House English Dramatics (Vasundhara and Yashodhara House)

Venue- MJS Hall

In charges- All teachers of English

JUL 23

Inter House English Dramatics (Madhavi and Usha House)

Venue- MJS Hall

In charges- All teachers of English

JUL 23

Inter House Wood Carving (Open)

Venue – Sculpture Room

Inter House Wood Carving (Open)
Incharge – Mr. B. Rao

JUL 23

Inter House Badminton (Srs.)

Inter House Badminton (Srs.)
Incharge – HoD Sports

JUL 21

Inter House Digital Cartooning Competition (Mdls.)
(during Activity time)

Venue- Computer Lab

Incharges- Ms. B. Saxena

JUL 21

Entertainment Night – Yashodhara House

Venue- MJS Hall
Time– 6:30 PM

Incharges- HM & HM's

JUL 18

Inter-House Table Tennis (Srs.)

Incharge- HoD Sports

JUL 16

Inter-House Hindi Debate Competition(Srs.)

Venue- MJS Hall

Incharge- Ms. A. Kashyap

JUL 16

Inter-House Hindi Article Writing Competition (Srs.)

Venue- Library

Incharges- Ms. A. Sharma & Ms. G. Kohli

JUL 16

Inter-House Collage Making Competition (Srs.)

Venue- Jr. Block

Incharges- Mr. A. Sharma & Mr. B. Rao

JUL 16

Inter-House Table Tennis (Mdls.)

Incharge- HoD Sports

JUL 14

Venue- MJS Hall   Time- 6:30PM Incharge- Ms. P. Khichi

Fresher's Eve, the most anticipated and awaited event of the year was celebrated with incredible amount of energy ,enthusiasm and entertainment on the 14th of July 2018. A warm and special day for every fresher to cherish in her heart for the rest of the year. The fresh faces of the academic year 2018 held the audience in rapt attention with their power packed performances. The entire programme was beautifully interlaced with various types of dances right from the traditional ghoomar, acrobatic ring dance, hip hop to famous foot tapping Bollywood numbers . There was even orchestra performances and Poetry rendition. The performers received a thunderous applaud from the audiences for the effort and the spirit with which the show was put up.

JUL 14

Athletics (Jrs. , Mdls. & Srs.) begin

Incharge- HoD Sports


Venue- MJS Hall  Incharge- Dr. S. Agrawal

Public Speaking is an art which holds in good stead when personality development is concerned. One such competition English Extempore Competition(Seniors) was held on 9 July 2018 to hone the public speaking skills .
A session was undertaken by the event incharge , Shalini Agrawal to make the participants aware about the rules and also to share some tips to help them prepare better. The draw of lots for the order of speaking was conducted in the morning while the topics were given in the afternoon 45 minutes before the competition. There was a different topic for everyone . Some of them were - Women are Better Managers , Is Education really educating us ? , Ignorance is Bliss, etc. The participants were allowed to sit in the library to prepare but the assistance of any book or internet was prohibited. It was an effort to let the participants present their own thoughts and to reduce the chances of redundancy. The judges for the competition were Mrs. Naina Dhillon, Ms. Sita Chaudhary and Mrs. Shivangi Sahay.


Inter-House Rangoli Competition (Srs.)

Venue-Chitrangada Bhawan

Inter-House Rangoli Competition (Srs.)
Incharge- Ms. S. Choudhary


Inter-House Business Quiz (Srs.)

Venue-MJS Hall

Inter-House Business Quiz (Srs.)
Incharge- Ms.A Khurana


Inter-House Needlework Competition commences (for exhibition & judgement in October)

Inter-House Needlework Competition commences (for exhibition & judgement in October)
Incharge- Ms. S. Choudhary


Basketball Match- Staff v/s Students

Basketball Match- Staff v/s Students
Incharge- HoD Sports


Last Check In- After Summer Vacation

Time: 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM

JUN 30

Entertainment for New Admissions

Venue- MJS Hall

Entertainment for New Admissions
Incharge- Ms. S. Luthra

JUN 29

Movie on Mathematics

2.45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Venue- MJS Hall

Movie on Mathematics – IX-XII
Incharge- Maths Department

JUN 25

Handwriting Competition – Classes VI-XII

25th June-18, MON

Handwriting Competition – Classes VI-XII
Venue – Classrooms
Incharges – Teachers of English (to conduct in their own period)