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Date -24 July ,2022

As aptitude training and strategic planning for a robust future took centre stage, the girls of SKV from classes 8 to 12, listened to the career experts with rapt attention. The sessions were organised by our Career & Guidance Counsellor Ms.Urvashi Pandey.

Date -20 July ,2022

The senior girls had an interaction with Ashoka University on future prospects, specially liberal arts organised by our career & Guidance Counsellor Ms. Urvashi Pandey.

Date -11 July ,2022

The inter-house English Dramatics competition took place after a 4 day Theatre Workshop conducted by Mr Abhishek Patnaik and Mr Suketu Shah, Co- Founders, Out of the Box Productions, Mumbai. A cast and crew of 80 students comprising actors, supporting actors, technicians and stage managers from all the four houses participated in the original play " A Farewell With a Difference". They first  unlearnt many old stage habits and then put up an original play with perfect comic timing. Students handled everything from acting to stage management and technical management. Results of the Event:

1st position- Vasundhara House 2nd position- Yashodhara House 3rd position- Usha House.

Congratulations Girls!

Date -11 July ,2022

Inter House Code Debugging (Python) Competition took place in the computer lab between students 9 to 12. A program in Python with some mistakes in it was given the students had to rectify it and run the program. Ms. Medha Gupta, HOD, IT Dept trained the girls for this competition which was held on the 11th of July,2022

Prthavi Shah  11C Yashodhara House secured the 1st Position Anushka Gupta 12A Usha House secured the 2nd Position and Agrima Agarwal ,12C MadhaviHouse secured the 3rd Position
Many Congratulations Girls!

Date -14 July ,2022

Hindi Inter House Hindi Extempore and Debate competition was organized at Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya on the 11th of July,2022. Mr. D Sahu, Auditor Genera, Indian Audit and Accounts service, Madhya Pradesh graced the occasion as the chief guest. The judges for the event were Mr. Abhishek Patnaik, Co-founder, Out of the Box production), Mr. Suketu Shah, Co-founder,Out of the Box production ), and Dr Shalini Agarwal ,HOD of English and foreign language department. Our esteemed chief guest, Mr D Sahu elucidated on women empowerment, contribution of a teacher in a student’s life and importance of learning in a student’s life. The House wise result for the inter House Hindi Extempore and Turn Coat was as follows:

Vasundhara House 1st Position Madhavi House 2nd Position Usha House 3rd Position

The Individual winners are as follows: Nritya Pillai 1st Position, (Vasundhara House) Manasvi Mudgal 2nd Position, (Usha House) Prakriti Jain 3rd Position, (Madhavi House) Many Congratulations Girls!

Date -8 July ,2022

HH Maharaj Jyotiraditya M Scindia visited SKV to see the new school building. He met staff and interacted with the students.

Date - 7 July ,2022

Change is the only constant and adapting to dynamic situations while creating unforgettable memories is what we do best! So sit back and enjoy an all new 17th edition of Aura that is an ode to all our exceptional efforts as we head back to school! Here you go: Click here to enjoy reading !

Date - 5 July ,2022

On the auspicious day of Tuesday, 5th of July 2022, SKV witnessed a momentous event when the long- awaited new academic building was sanctified with a traditional Pooja  by the young scion of the Scindia royalty Yuvraj Mahaan Aryaman Scindia,followed by an interactive session with the students. The new building is constructed in 70,000 sq ft of area and has two floors. It is remarkable for its incredible blend of heritage and modernity . While the exterior it replicates the looks of our iconic heritage building Kamla Bhawan, the interior has all the most advanced and modern amenities any educational institution can ask for. The splendid building was completed in record time despite all the three waves of Covid.

Date - 18 June ,2022

The 9 day long Indo French exchange program has concluded with students brain soaked with so many memories,learning experiences & knowledge about the rich French culture & history. Meeting the French counterparts in Lycée Fernand Darchicourt, the host school, showcasing the Indian culture with an official visit to the Mayor’s office to Visiting the EU Parliament in Brussels, just to name a few of the many memorable experiences.

Date - 7 June ,2022

1st post Covid, a group of 65 students & staff from SKV on their way to France on a exchange programme conducted by Le Frehindi under Youth Awareness Program- Creating links in India under the patronage of Indian embassy in Paris.  Bon voyage!!!

Date - 6 June ,2022

"You will never be completely at home a part of your heart will always be elsewhere ...that is the price you pay of knowing and loving people in more than one place." Suhani Agarwal of class 12 experienced this on her return from the Hungary exchange program .She is grateful to Principal Mam ,Vice Principal Mam Bursar Sir ,teachers and AFS India for recommending her name for this exchange and providing her with this golden opportunity of staying with a loving ,warm, welcoming host family and discovering the country of Hungary.

Date - 5 June ,2022

Girls of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya namely, Manasvi Sharan (XII), Shraddha Sharma (XII), Tanishi Shah(X), Aastha Singh (X)and Anusha Marathe (XI) participated in SPICMACAY, ANUBHAV-4, a week-long workshop from 28th May to 3rd June, which consisted of learnings on the paintings of Telangana & Ganesh Vandana. sanyukta and asanyukta Mudras (hand gestures), teentaal Thora under the guidance of Great Kathak legend Pandit Rajendra Gangani ji. On the final day, the students showcased a performance presentation on their learnings! Great going Team SKV

Date - 3 June ,2022

Students of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya attended their first session "Rhino Talks" of the project "Diceros & Unicornis - Exploring Global Strategies for Survival". This session brought us together with the other National and International partnering schools working on the conservation and protection of the Rhinoceros. We discussed the critical topics of animal pouching and the illigal horn trade along with the conservation measures adopted by the governments. Mentors and students shared their views and ideologies on this project initiated by the Round Square Community as they look forward to help save the Rhinos!

Date - 31 May ,2022

Girls of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya participated in the Jim Corbett-Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant- FG Pearce Annual Young Ideators' Conclave- from the 28th-30th of May,2022 hosted by Birla Vidya Niketan, Nainital. Lavanya Singh of grade IX bagged the first position in Creative Writing Contest for her poetic travelogue based on the quote: ‘Two things are infinite- the universe and human stupidity; and I am not sure about the universe.’ In Live Yoga Competition category, Toshika Mishra of class IX and Raashi kadmawala of class VI received the Judges' Choice Delegation. Under Art Installation (Kinetic) category, Suhani Raj, Bhumi Singh, and Akshita Selat of Grade 10 respectively, received the Third position. In the Multi-format English Debate contest, Avni Shah and Navya Gupta of grade 10 got the Best Delegation Research.

Many congratulations to all the participants. Well done team SKV!!!

Date - 25 May ,2022

We are yet again proud to announce that our Principal Mrs. Nishi Misra has been honoured with the “Shrimati Sushma Swaraj Stree Shakti Samman 2022” on the occasion of The International Women’s day for peace & Disarmament, by rethink India for her contribution as the Chairperson of IPSC.

Date - 12 May ,2022

Little efforts will have big impacts….so start Recycling.’ 10 students from grade 7 & 8  took part in the AFS Upcyclothon Competition hosted by Rajmata Krishna Kumari School , Jodhpur.226 students participated from 33 AFS member schools across the country. Gitika Bansal and Adya Agarwal from grade 8 got a ‘Special Mention’ from the judges .Gitika made a beautiful night lamp out of cardboard and ice cream sticks .Whereas Adya made a seat cushion out of tyres and   jute strings.Way to go Gitika and Adya!

Date - 7 May ,2022

Students of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya participated in 1st Edition of virtual Bodhi Tree Inter School Critical Literary Dialogues organised by DPS, Bodh Gaya on the 4th, 5th and 6th of May,2022. More than 25 reputed schools participated from all over the country. SKV girls secured the following positions

● Tanka poetry-1st position - Anoushka Shivhare(VII)

● Multi Format Debate- 3rd position- Avni Shah (X), and Manasvi Mudgal(X),

● Yoga and drawing- 3rd position- Aashi Singh (X), Siddhika Uadhyaya (VI), Arleen Rai (VI)and Adishree Deakotia (X)

Date - 5 May ,2022

As April dawned to an end, the month was never hoary. A new term with new goals awaits us and as always, a new edition of Aura is here to update you on all the happenings that lead to this journey.

Click here to enjoy reading !

Date - 2 May ,2022

An engaging keynote speech from Professor Dinesh Singh, former Vice Chancellor of Delhi University was the highlight of the inaugural session of the first ever IC3 Regional Forum in Gwalior, Chambal Region, hosted by Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya. The daylong event featuring insightful panel discussions, networking and informative sessions for the professional development of high school counsellors, teachers and leaders, was attended by delegates from several high schools and universities. The students had fruitful interactions with various well known Universities such as Flame, Ashoka, Krea, The University of Sydney, Trinity College Dublin and University of Sterling to name a few.

Date - 30 April ,2022

Under the project" Diceros and Unicornis: Exploring Global Strategies for Survival", students of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya performed an activity "Sandesh". They created beautiful cards and wrote letters to other national and international partner schools' students for expressing their thoughts regarding Rhinos.

An initiative to conserve Rhinos!!!

Date - 30 April ,2022

SKV cordially invitees Principals, Teachers and Counsellors to the International Career & College Counselling (IC3) Regional Forum at Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, Gwalior on 2nd May, 2022 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Prof. Dinesh Singh former Vice Chancellor, Delhi University, has kindly consented to deliver the keynote address. The IC3 Regional Forums provide a platform for schools to collaborate with Universities and help students’ transition, from high school to college. Registration for full-time employees of high schools and school-based counsellors is free.

Register here

Date - 28 April ,2022

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi

AFS India's theme for GYSD 2022 is – “Serve, Share and Smile Together" and April is celebrated as the “Global Youth Service Day.”

SKV students worked in service of our Sahayikas who sacrificed their family life to answer the clarion call of duty for the safety of health and wellbeing of students. The students upcycled notebooks, stationery items, recycled the empty pages for binding, added Sankalp Biodegradable sanitary napkins and water bottles to the packets presented to the Sahayikas. There were shared smiles for this service all around !

Date - 27 April ,2022

Maths department teachers, Ms Sunita Saxena, Ms Awantika Kushwah and Mr. Ganesh Ochewar, attended a 6 day Online workshop by CBSE on Test Item Writing in Mathematics for classes IX - X and received the certificates for the same.

Date - 26 April ,2022

SKV alumna,  Dr. Rimjhim Agrawal,  Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from IISc, Bangalore was the resource person for a workshop on artificial intelligence for class 9. She is presently working as a Data Scientist.  She described how AI has evolved over time and discussed two major AI domains, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. She answered children's queries related to machine learning, deep learning, etc.

Date - 23 April ,2022

The 16 day long Robotics workshop for SKVians concluded with a grand finale of impressive presentations by the students. 

Click here for Presentation

Date - 21 April ,2022

As the upcoming 8th IDY is falling in Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav year, the Ministry of AYUSH has proposed to observe IDY at 75 iconicsitesacrossthecountry. On this occasion Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya organised a series to promote yoga practices in daily routine. Students performed a set of five surya namaskar, Pranayam –Anulome-viloma and om chanting. Our students participated with full dedication and passion to inculcate values of Yoga in daily life styles.

Date - 19 April ,2022

Students used the Arduino Integrated Development Environment which contains a text editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a toolbar with buttons for common functions and a series of menus. It connects to the Arduino hardware to upload programs and communicate with them. A pre determined command is used to control robot with its actions.

Date - 20 April ,2022

Mr Ganesh Ochewar, our Math teacher completed the Test Item Writing Course by CBSE & British Council for bringing about systemic changes in exam and evaluation policies. The course trains Teachers on how to design and develop test items for assessment.

Hearty congratulations !

Date - 18 April ,2022

Culinary skills, time management and the aesthetic touch are the aspects, our students followed in the National Cooking Competition at Heritage Girls School Udaipur. Renowed chefs, Chef Vicky Ratnani, Chef Mugdha Khare Chef Shantanu Gupte and Chef Simran judged the event. Vedanshi Gupta secured second position under Dessert category.

Many many congratulations!!!

Date - 18 April ,2022

Manasvi Mudgal was adjudged Best Speaker in the Padmashree JK Kate Memorial Hindi Debate hosted by Daly college, Indore. She performed extremely well, facing tough competition from 13 well reputed schools .

Congratulations and wish you even greater success in future!

Date - 17 April ,2022

“By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.” -I Corinthians 6:14

May your Easter basket be full of good health, good fortune, contentment and joy. Wishing that the grace of God be on you and your home!

Date - 15 April ,2022

No pain , No palm

No thorns, No throne 

No grit, No glory  

No cross, No crown.

 Jesus was wounded for human transgressions and iniquities. May his sacrifice always be remembered in our actions.

Date - 15 April ,2022

11 students along with Coach Puneet Bhardawaj participated in Taekwondo Districts, Gwalior. With their heads held high and enthusiasm in their eyes, they secured 5 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze medals. All their hard work and dedication helped them to reach a step ahead in their journey of Taekwondo.

Date - 14 April ,2022

The theme of “AARSA” (mirror) was discussed at the Round Square Virtual Conference hosted by DhiruBhai Ambani International School. The students broadly discussed about ‘Service through the lens of self-care’. Students built an understanding of first taking responsibility for their own wellness and wellbeing in order to have the strength to be of service to others and

Date - 14 April ,2022

There is no age limit for learning. It is fuelled by passion and curiosity. The SKV lifelong learners:  Dr.Shweta Choudhary, Ms. Anita Khare  Ms. Geetanjali Rajput and Mr. Ganesh Ochewar successfully completed  72 hours of  School Innovation Ambassador Training Program conducted by Ministry of Education's Innovation Cell and AICTE in collaboration with CBSE and EMRS of Ministry of Tribal Affairs. Congratulations and way to go !

Date - 14 April ,2022

The call of the koel, the aroma of ripened wheat, the dhol beats reverberate in the air and the joyous spirits break into a jovial dance during the festive moments of Baisakhi. It is time to celebrate the golden fields and rich harvest of your labour. Wishes for a bountiful season of peace and prosperity.

Date - 13 April ,2022

All students undertook a two-week workshop in Robotics, dealing with the design, construction and application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control. In today's module, they used Scratch Programming to develop Games based on Coordinate System.

Date - 11 April ,2022

Clay in the potters hands ! To practice art is a way to make your soul grow.

Date - 11 April ,2022

Art is a line around your thoughts. Art-iculating their passion, SKV students created fine works in the Art Workshop by Mrs Trina Chatterji.

Date - 11 April ,2022

The elections for School Council were held today via Electronic Voting Kiosk. Watch this space for the results !

Date - 11 April ,2022

An Orientation Session was conducted by Career Launcher for CLAT, NTSE, SAT and UPSC Gen Studies preparation. Coaching classes are going to start this month. Students had a lot of questions to which they got answers and their doubts cleared.

Date - 10 April ,2022

The Inter House Cross Country Competition, 2022-23, the over All House Positions are as follows-
First -  Madhavi House 
Second - Yashodhara House
Third - Vasundhara House  
Individual Positions
Group 1 (VIII & IX)
First-          Adya Agarwal- VIII A – Vasundhara House
Second -    Mishti Choudhary- IX C- Yashodhara House
Third-         Pawni Sinha- VIII A- Madhavi House  
Group 2 (X & XII)
First-           Avni Shah- X C- Madhavi House
Second-      Jiya Agarwal- XII A- Yashodhara House
Third-          Tanisha Gupta- XC- Madhavi House

Date - 10 April ,2022

Having always adopted the motto of life long learning, the guiding lights of SKV, our teachers, attended highly informative and enlightening sessions on career counselling.

Date - 10 April ,2022

Dispelling the darkness of uncertainty and confusion relating to future career choices, the students of SKV attended an extensive 3 day workshop on career counselling.

Date - 10 April ,2022

The ideals carried aloft by Lord Rama and the path trodden by him are eternal and timeless. Let's follow them to lead a divine life. Wish you a very happy Ram Navami.

Date - 07 April ,2022

To maintain a good health, eat lightly, exercise daily, breathe deeply, live moderately and cultivate cheerfulness. Keep your mind strong and clear and your heart beating merrily . Happy World Health Day!

Date - 01 April ,2022

Anyone can be a leader! Words proven true by our girls of classes 7, 8 and 9 in a group counselling session on teamwork and true meaning of leadership.

Date - 30 March ,2022

“WIZARD 2022” an Interschool Dance Competition- organized by ITM University, Gwalior on 29th March, saw several Schools / Dance schools participating in it from all around Madhya Pradesh. We are proud to announce that under the guidance of our dance teacher Mrs. Kavita Pillai,SKV bagged the 1st & 2nd position in Group Folk dance & semi classical dance with a prize of ₹15,000 & ₹10,000 respectively.   2nd position in solo dance & 3rd in Hip-hop & Jazz with a prize of ₹2,500 & ₹1,500 respectively. Our girls again proved how dance comes naturally to them.

Many Congratulations, Team SKV!

Date - 28 March ,2022

Let Zumba Fitness be your stress reliever was the flavor of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya today. The girls of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya participated in Interhouse Zumba competition exhibiting energetic moves with fitness fun filled experience. The Winners of the Inter- house Zumba Competition are as follows:

Yashodhara House-1st Position
Vasundhara House -2nd Position
Madhavi House -3rd Position

Many Many Congratulations Girls!

Date - 28 March ,2022

Class XII Home Science students displayed their workmanship  through Tie and Dye and Block printing under the guidance of Dr. Shweta Choudhary. They displayed their exquisite skills by combining varied colours, designs and creating blocks and stencils.

Date - 26 March ,2022

Congratulations to Harchintal Kaur of Class 10 on her selection as a Scholarship recipient for the 2022 AFS Global STEM Academy in the United States. The AFS Global STEM Academies combine digital and in-person learning, gathering youth from more than 14 countries worldwide, in which scholars enrich their sustainability knowledge and STEM skills through interactive, hands-on curriculum, while developing critical global competencies, including problem-solving, analytical skills, intercultural understanding, and social innovation with content co-developed by AFS and the University of Pennsylvania Center for Social Impact Strategy. As an Academy Scholar, Harchintan will travel on a 4-week immersive program to the University of Houston, Texas, USA, to participate in community service, sustainability focused operations in practice to address industry and societal challenges, particularly around sustainability. She will earn the Advanced Certificate on Global Competence for Social Impact, awarded by AFS and the University of Pennsylvania Center for Social Impact Strategy.

Congratulations again, Harchintan and her mentor Mrs Priti Khichi, more power to you !

Date - 25 March ,2022

35 students of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya participated in The Blue Mile to raise awareness about India's Water, Sanitation and Hygiene crisis.

Date - 24 March ,2022

Interacting with the admissions expert at Columbia University, New York, children of class 10 and 12 learnt about the do’s and dont’s for writing an impactful college essay.

Date - 23 March ,2022

Commencing their journey towards an educated and informed career choice, students of classes 9 to 12 attended the orientation session with our career guidance partners, Mindler..

Date - 19 March ,2022

Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya celebrated the festival of Holi to mark the triumph of good over evil. Here is a glimpse.

Date - 16 March ,2022

Lavanya Singh of Class 8, a passionate writer, got her poem 'The Forbidden Love' published by The Write Order in their Poetry Anthology 'Secrets'.

Congratulations Lavanya!

Date - 12 March ,2022


Surbhi Bindra of class 12 has bagged scholarship of 60,000 CAD at Queens University, Canada along with an early placement. She is one of the only two awardees globally. The course affers undergrad honours in Pol science, Public policy and International relationship.

Congratulations Surbhi !

Date - 26 January ,2022

On 26th January, 2022, three Principals of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas  Pichhore, Shivpuri, and Datia visited Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya to study our Sanitary Napkins unit, Sankalp.  Our Principal, Ms. Nishi Misra explained the history of this project and also details of its process. They very keenly observed the different steps of the making of sanitary napkins. They plan to initiate a manufacturing unit of sanitary napkins in their institution. The team also visited our organic farm and organic composting initiative, Project Sanchay.

Date - 26 January ,2022

SKV wishes everyone a Happy Republic Day! It's time you invest in your dreams and unfold a progressive future where all rejoice in the glory of the republic and bring peace in the world. Become the strength of this wonderful nation and help it reach greatest heights. Warm wishes to all.

Date - 25 January ,2022

Inter House Macrame Competitionwas held virtually on the theme ' Wall Hanging'. The event was judged by Ms. Shweta Choudhary and Mr. Bhujung Rao. Many Congratulations to each of the participants and winners !

I - Harshita Agrawal II - Anjali Shakya III - Devanshi Agrawal

HOUSE POSITIONS: I – Madhavi House II – Usha House and Vasundhara House III – Yashodhara House

Date - 25 January ,2022

Our four students bagged honours at TDGV MUN, 2022 (The Dais Global Voice Model United Nations) in a UNESCO simulation on "the Future of Education," under the guidance of Mrs Ottima Ragazza, MUN Coordinator. This event was held as part of the "Learning Planet Festival" launched by CRI (France) and UNESCO to commemorate the International Day of Education. There were delegations from the Middle East, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh present, and it was an open forum for students of schools and colleges. Niyati Agrawal (Class XI) and Navya Gupta (class IX) bagged the Special Mention Awards, while Innora Dasgupta (class IX) and Anushka Gupta (class XI) got Verbal Mention Awards. Hitaishi Agrawal, Snehal Tulsyan, and Radhya Goyal were also appreciated for their quick thinking and constructive ideas.

Date - 24 January ,2022

Our favourite pastime should always be #Hunt For Happiness. This is how we do it in SKV...

Date - 19 January ,2022

Reading comes naturally to the girls of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, here is a glimpse of our girls namely Myiesha Bhutani & Arshiya Rawal class X, Himashi Chamadia, Somya Nath, Aanvi Dhoreliya, Priyanshi Bhargava & Innora Dasgupta class IX, enjoying  reading  & enriching themselves.  The SKV top reads currently are; The Alchemist, As You Like It, Lord of the Rings, Harry Porter, Cobalt Blue, A Twist in the Tale. Students are participating in the" Read India Campaign" organized by the National Book Trust, India.

Date - 17-18 January ,2022

Youtube Link of the Program

Our Principal, Mrs Nishi Misra is the Chairperson of Gwalior Sahodaya Samiti which has been selected by CBSE to host the Annual National Conference of Sahodaya Schools over 17th and 18th January 2022.

Date - 14 January ,2022

Wishing that the rising sun brings colourful and vibrant kites of cheer in everyone's life and radiates peace and prosperity. Let us pray together for a healthy and a safe world on this  Makar Sankranti.

Date - 13 January ,2022

Hearty congratulations to Aditi Pathardikar who cleared Jee Advanced with a rank of 1567 and took admission in IIT Delhi this year.

Aditi says, " I joined SKV in 6th grade. The school inculcated qualities in me that helped me get through my toughest times both at school and during jee prep. When I look back, I never think of the school as my 2nd home but my home, the place I felt safe.

I owe a huge part of my success to SKV and want to thank you and all my teachers for believing me and help me push my boundaries."

All the best to you Aditi, keep the SKV flag flying high. God bless you!

Date - 12 January ,2022

Anya Gupta of Grade X received the 1st rank at the State Level ‘Hexamind mental ability Olympiad’.

Liza Choudhary – X, Snigdha Dey – X, Vaghmi Jain – VII, Arushi Sarogi – IX, Ridhima Gupta – IX received participation certificates.

We congratulate the girls for their hard work, passion, and excellent performance.

Date - 13 March ,2021

SKV takes great pride in announcing the advent of another budding writer on its horizon.

Sanjukta Chakraborty of Class 7A has been chosen by Scholastic Quill Club as one of twenty-three aspiring talents from a pan-India selection, to be published in their anthology entitled “Up and Away” that features new stories by young people from across the country.

The good wishes of the entire SKV family go with Sanjukta as she takes her first steps as a published author. May she develop this talent further and one day become a new light in the world of literature. God bless.

Date - 17 Feb ,2021

Congratulations to Ojas Yadav, class of 2021, for securing admission to New York University Abu Dhabi, with 100 percent Financial Aid, for a 4 yrs UG course in Politics, International Relations, Theater, and Public Administration.

The financial support includes tuition, mandatory fees, and on-campus room and meal charges. It also covers the opportunity to participate in regional academic seminars and 2 semesters at any other NYU campus

The estimated cost of attendance at NYU is $77,658 per year for the full duration of the 4-year course.

Congratulations Ojas ! You have started the winning trend for your batch! God bless!

Date - 16 Feb ,2021

The festival of Basant Panchami was celebrated on 16th February 2021 with more than usual fervour, an emotion attributed to the return of students to the campnus and the heartening feeling that as the winter imperceptibly shifts to spring, the return to a normal routine would become a reality for all

The celebrations began with the commencement of Saraswati Puja, which was followed by a cultural programme and a community meal.

Not even the inclement weather could prevent SKV from maintaining its rich cultural traditions during these times of trial. The day was thoroughly enjoyed by young and old alike.

Date - 25 Jan ,2021

On the punya tithi of our revered founder, late Rajmata Vijaya Raje Scindia, we pay heartfelt tributes of love and commitment to her memory.

Date - 15 OCT, 2020

The SKV Quality Circle team secured Gold award once again and are selected to present their case study in National Convention of Quality Circle - 2020 (NCQC)

QCFI Gwalior chapter organized a presentation of case studies and other competitions virtually. 34 teams participated and SKV secured the leading position with an outstanding performance in all categories. The SKV Team, "Sangharsh" is selected to present their case study " Students Life in The New Normal" at the National Convention on 27th December, 2020. Team SKV earned awards as follows:

Poem writing

  • Geeta Jadon (facilitator) Ist position
  • Shreya Agrawal (member) 2nd position

Poster making

  • Prakrati Jain (Leader) Ist position
  • Apara Bhargava (member) 2nd position
  • Saijal Jain (DL) 3rd position

Slogan Writing :

  • Tanisha Gupta (member) 1st position

Essay wriing :

  • Innore Dasgupta (member) 1st position

Team :Sangharsh

  • Geeta Jadon – facilitator
  • Prakrati Jain – team leader
  • Saijal Jain - dt. Leader
  • Apara Bhargava – member
  • Innora Dasgupta – member
  • Shreya Agrawal – member
  • Tanisha Gupta - member

Date - 30 SEP, 2020

The death anniversary of our patron late HH Shrimant Madhav Rao Scindia was observed at school today with floral tributes and grateful remembrance .

Date - 19 SEP, 2020

4 distinguished alumni of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, Lt Col (Dr) Nandini Ramachandran ,Dr Roza Olyai ,Lt Col (Dr) Suprita Kalra and Dr Richa Kaushik were panelists for the third session in the Virtual Alumni knowledge sharing session. They spoke to the students about their time at SKV and medicine as a career option.
Lt Col (Dr) Nandini Ramachandran and Ophthalmologist who graduated from SKV in 1972 and went on to complete her MBBS and MS from AFMC, shared her experience of working in various Military Hospitals and what empowered her.Dr Roza Olyai and gynaecologist was from the class of 1982. shared her journey and spoke to the students about how with hard work any struggles or hurdles can be overcome. Lt Col (Dr) Suprita Kalra a pediatrician from the batch of 1997. Spoke to the students about her journey from school to her 17 years of service in the Army. Dr Richa Kaushik a pathologist who was from the batch of 2008 spoke to the students about the technicalities of medicine, she spoke to them about NEET, MD, DNB.

Date: 16-19 SEP, 2020

Eight passionate SKVians namely Innora Dasgupta, Vidhi Ganeriwala, Vaishnavi Yadav, Harsha Chandani, Tanisha Tiwari, Surbhi Bindra, Shubangi Anuragi and Vaishnavi Manta participated in the NIMUN X themed 'In Pursuit of a Humane World' organized by Navrachana International School, Vadodara from September 16-19, 2020 in which 17 reputed Indian schools besides ISSR, Sweden participated. Innora Dasgupta, a student of class VIII bagged the BEST POSITION PAPER AWARD. Innora alongwith other students undergo training as members of MUN Club every weekend under the guidance of the School MUN Coordinator Ms Ottima Ragazza. These young enthusiasts learn the key areas such as research, communication (both written and verbal), critical thinking and workable solutions for overcoming challenges to become responsible global citizens

SEP 14

Date 8-14 SEP, 2020

“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world "

                                                                            Malala Yousafzai (Nobel Laureate)

The lockdown condition in schools across the country does not prevent SKV from forging ahead with a wide range of activities for students taking part online from home. This time round it was Reading Week in cyber space. From 8th September to 14th September 2020, students of SKV celebrated the joy of reading with a number of activities organised on the online platform.

Students of Classes 6 and 7 participated in a storytelling session during their class time, while Class X presented creative videos to go with the stories that they were telling on various themes. For Class 8, a quiz entitled “LIT THE QUIZ” was held on Microsoft Teams, followed by a lively discussion on Roald Dhal. The sessions was rounded off with Class X presenting a story video to Class 8.

Class 9 took part in a whodunit called “Nab the Culprit”, where they donned the mantle of a detective to solve a mystery involving an art theft. They also watched a story video presented by Class 10. All the activities were designed and planned to take full advantage of the online scenario with the intention of making reading a fun-filled activity for all.

Well done.

AUG 29

Date - 29 AUG, 2020

2 distinguished alumni of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, Ms Anshuma Chandak and Ms Shivani Sharam were panelists for the second session in the Virtual Alumni knowledge sharing session. They spoke to the students about Data Science, artificial intelligence and its use in today's time. Ms Chandak who is a graduate from Columbia University and is currently working at Accenture San Jose. California briefed the students about how to pursue AI and Data Science as a career option, she also ran an algorithm and showed the students how AI works. Ms Sharma spoke to students about the implementation and use of Data Science in various organisations.

Date - 29 AUG, 2020

National Sports Day is celebrated across India on August 29th, the birth anniversary of legendary sportsperson Dhyan Chand. To commemorate this day, Udaan, under the auspieces of the State of Madhya Pradesh honoured 66 sports personalities from various districts of M.P. with the Dhyan Chand Award. Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya is proud to announce that two students of the school, viz. Saijal Jain and Ritka Kumar, both of Class X, are among those who have been selected to receive this prestigious commendation. The award has been conferred on them for their accomplishments in the field of Taekwondo.

AUG 21

Date - 21 AUG, 2020

We are delighted to announce that our student Sanjukta Chakraborty (Grade 7 A) is soon going to be a published author with Scholastic, under the Write Now programme!
Sanjukta , a gifted writer, got selected after 2 levels of online selection tests in Write Now, a guided writing and publishing programme by Scholastic- Quill Club Writers.
She went through a stringent selection process, and was identified from a pan-India pool of aspiring writers. She then underwent an intensely creative, interactive and enjoyable mentoring process ,conducted by renowned and experienced persons in the literary industry, to come up with a fine story.
The brilliantly written and well edited anthology will soon be ready for the launch.
Please join us in congratulating Sanjukta, the young soon-to-be published author of the anthology by Scholastic-Quill Club Writers!

AUG 16

Date - 16 AUG, 2020

The new Students Council 2020-21 had their first meeting with the Principal on 16th Aug. Headgirl Kavya Sharma circulated the agenda and members of the council discussed their vision, objectives and implementation plans. The Principal, Mrs Nishi Misra, guided the Council for full accomplishment of their objectives and offered all support in their endeavors. The school can expect to see many new initiatives being launched by the new Students Council 2020-21.

AUG 15

Date - 15 AUG, 2020

Independence Day Celebration is the most important national celebration, where Indians commemorate the successful culmination of a long and hard struggle against colonial rule. It is a symbol of triumph over adversity, more relevant to all Indians this year when the country is waging a war against a terrible pandemic. > Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya has displayed great fortitude in the face of this calamity, ensuring that the wheels of normalcy keep turning and daily classes, activities and celebrations carry on virtually. Keeping to this positive attitude, this year Independence Day was commemorated online.
> The program commenced with the flag hoisting ceremony, which comprised an inspiring speech by Ms. Shalini Agarwal, senior English teacher, followed by students displaying their talents in a traditional rendition of patriotic music and song.
> The flag hoisting ceremony online was followed by the Investiture Ceremony for of the new student council for the academic session of 2020-21. This was conducted with an appropriate degree of solemnity and reverence. The profiles of the elected leaders were displayed while the oath was taken. Donning the mantle of accountability, the student leaders also pledged to perform their duties to the best of their abilities.
> The Principle Mrs.Nishi Misra congratulated the student council body and encouraged them to be impartial and honest in discharging their duties. She also exhorted them to uphold the values of the school and advised them to be role models in all their undertakings. She assured the student leaders of the school's unstinted support every step of the way.
> The function concluded with the School Song being sung once again after a good many months.

AUG 08

Date - 08 AUG, 2020

SKV LINKS SOCIETY organisrd its 1st Virtual Alumni Knowledge Sharing Session, for the students of grade 9-12, as a part of the alumni engagement process. The topic for the session was "Understanding the College Application Landscape" and the panelists spoke about college application procedures in UK, Canada and USA. They discussed the do and don'ts of the application process along with guiding students through their own experiences.

AUG 01

Date - 01 AUG, 2020

In a function held in Sikkim, at the residence of the Hon'ble minister of Education Sri Kunga Nima Lepcha, our ex-student Diki  Choden Bhutia was honoured with a monetary award of 3 lakhs given by Chief Minister as initial aid as she has been granted a full scholarship to pursue higher studies at Queen Mary University of London, jointly endowed by her Alma Mater, Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, and International Students House, London.  Diki, our head girl for 2019-20, has many achievements to her credit. As head girl, she held aloft the school's vision and standards throughout her tenure. As an SKVian she bears the honour of being the recipient of the prestigious Spirit of SKV trophy of 2020. As a student, she shone on the sports field as well as academics, bagging a gold medal for javelin throw at the CBSE Athletics National Meet and scored 95.4 % in the recently concluded CBSE examinations. The SKV family is, indeed, proud of our diminutive Diki, who is a giant in her endeavours and achievements. May you stride forward to a glowing future.

JUN 19

Date - 19 June, 2020

Thank you for the enthusiastic participation in the 'SKV No Instrument Challenge'. This inter-school competition entailed creating music without musical instruments. The young participants displayed immense talent and created outstanding music videos.

Here are links to the winning performances :

High Commendation Certificate: (

Commendation Certificate: (

Appreciation Certificate : (

JUN 07

Duration - 07 June, 2020

CBSE launched Vidya Daan, a program to encourage the sharing of curated, relevant and curriculum linked digital content and making all these content available to schools across the country. As encouraged by our Principal Ms. Nishi Misra, Ms. Awantika Kushwa PGT Mathematics nominated her explanation videos for CBSE classes XI and XII in order to contribute to Vidya Daan program. We are pleased to share the news that her nomination has been accepted, and she can now share more digital content which will be uploaded on DIKSHA app to help millions of children across the country to continue their learning anytime and anywhere.

JUN 03

Duration - 03 June, 2020

It's a moment of great pride to announce that our student Kalpana of Class VIII has been awarded First position in the Inter-School Online competition 'The Heart that Speaks" organised by Sunbeam School, Varuna, Varanasi. Kalpana prepared a video where she showcased her painting and expressed her views on the topic 'IMPACT OF CORONA OUTBREAK- Re-engineering of the Global World Order'. Her entry had been selected for the second round of the competition. She then successfully secured the first position among selected top eight students through a Live online Declamation. This competition proved to be a great platform to Express, Interact, Engage and Make oneself heard. We wish her all the very best. Keep it up Kalpana.

MAY 19

Duration - May, 2020

Diki Choden Bhutia, Head Girl, SKV 2019-20 has been selected for a full scholarship under the tie up of SKV- International Students House, London, to study for a three year undergraduate program at Queen Mary University. Diki is a student of SKV under the prestigious Chief Minister's Merit Scholarship Scheme, Govt of Sikkim, Gangtok. Congratualtions Diki, you have once again made us proud !

APR 22

Duration - 22 April, 2020

SKV provided 11,400 Sankalp Sanitary Napkins to the Dept of Food & Civil Supplies, Gwalior to support underprivileged women who have lost their livelihoods during lockdown and therefore cannot access this hygiene product.

MAR 09

Duration - 9 Mar, 2020 Kamla Bhawan

Alumna (Mrs.) Shivani Gandhi, class of 2004, visited SKV on 9th March 2020. She is currently an education consultant with various NGOs, as well as a curriculum designer for many educational start-ups. She will be joining the student fraternity of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, USA, to pursue a master's degree in their Technology, Innovation and Education programme. All at SKV wish her bon voyage and great success.

MAR 08

Duration - 7-8 Mar, 2020 MJS Hall

To commemorate Women's Day 2020, Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya conducted a taekwondo blackbelt seminar and examination, under the auspices of the Korean Cultural Centre, India. The event was spread over two days, the 7th and 8th of March and was held at the MJS Hall. Twenty two female athletes participated in the event, of which twenty received their blackbelt in their 1st rank (Dan) exams and two were successful in their 3rd Dan exams. All attained good marks and were highly commended. Grand master Wanyong Lee (7th Dan blackbelt) from the Korean Cultural Centre imparted the training and conducted the exam as well. Also present throughout the event were SKVs coach Mr. Puneet Bhardwaj (International Referee, blackbelt 5th Dan), Mr. Vinod Jha (International referee, blackbelt 4th Dan) and Ms. Mamta Shah (International Medalist). A special "thank you" to Mrs. Nishi Misra, principal, Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, for sanctioning the event in the school, and all participants for performing brilliantly, and thereby breaking the glass ceiling in what was once erroneously considered a male domain.

FEB 22

Duration - 22 Feb, 2020 Hurawali Village Gwalior

On the 22nd of February, five girls, accompanied by their teachers Mrs. Adarsh Sharma and Dr. Bharti Mehta, visited Hurawali Village near Gwalior. They instructed the inhabitants of the village on the importance of women's hygiene and the use of sanitary napkins. The talk was well-attended and appreciated by the women, who were presented with packets of sanitary napkins made by the school's Sankalp project.

FEB 21

Duration - 21 Feb, 2020 SKV Temple

The festival of Mahashivratri was celebrated on (21/02/2020) at the school temple with solemn reverence. The Principal Mrs. Nishi Misra performed the pooja, with the staff and students subsequently participating in the Aarti.

FEB 08

Duration - 08 Feb, 2020 MJS Hall

A multi-faceted quiz competition serves various objectives. It tests mental agility, numerical ability, scientific skills, depth of reading and a good command of general knowledge. At SKV we term this as the "Mega Quiz" and it was held on 8th February as an inter-class event for grades 6 and 7 . The quiz featured verbal, written and visual rounds of questioning. The students donned their thinking caps to tackle questions in Science, English, Hindi, Mathematics and general knowledge. It was, indeed, a lively and enthusiastic display of knowledge and learning away from the confines of the classroom.

FEB 05

Duration - 04-05 Feb, 2020

The Cultural Library Department of the Government of India organized a book fair at SKV on the 4th and 5th of February 2020. The books on display were of a wide range of genres from various publishing houses. The eclectic range of titles and authors targeted various age groups and it was heartening to see that the love of books and the joy of reading was still alive in the school.

FEB 04

Duration - 04 Feb, 2020 MJS Hall

SKV endeavours to maintain close links with students who have graduated from its portals, and it is always a delight to receive ex-students visiting their alma mater after a long spell. From the batch of 1992, alumnae Ms. Monika S. Mohite, Ms. Richa Agrawal and Dr. Swati Tiwari visited their old school on the 4th February. Welcome back!

FEB 02

Duration - 02 Feb, 2020

On 2nd February, a Udyan Mela was organized by the Kitchen Garden Association of Gwalior, which aims to promote kitchen and home gardening and encourages people to grow plants, organic vegetables and fruits in their own gardens and terraces. The students were invited to perform a Nukkad Natak which would help spread an awareness on the benefits of gardening for health and preserving the environment. The students of SKV, through a Nukkad Natak, introduced their own project entitled "SANCHAY" which highlighted their year-long experience of growing organic vegetables in the school. This Udyan Mela taught the students how small initiatives can bring about positive changes in society.

FEB 01

Duration - 01 Feb, 2020

SKV offers its students every opportunity to give back to society in various ways. On the 1st February 2020, six girls and two teachers paid a visit to Amarjyoti School for physically and mentally challenged children. They brought with them tuck that had earlier been confiscated from various students. As the school was celebrating its annual day with a fete, they had invited some schools to set up stalls for entertainment. The other schools that were present were ITM Global School, and DPS Malanpur. On arrival, the SKV party set up their games stall with the tuck going as prizes. There were two games on offer, "butter and coin" and "pappu car race". The specially challenged children gave memorable performances of a dance on ganesh vandana, a mime, and nukkad natak. Watching them perform made one realize how grateful one ought to be for the privileges one so readily takes for granted. When confronted with the sheer joy of these children, one feels fulfilled for having brought a smile and some light into their lives. It was truly a memorable experience to cherish.

JAN 30

Duration - 30 Jan, 2020 MJS Hall & Arena

The SKV community celebrated Basant Panchami on the morning of 30th January 2020. A happy and joyful occasion, the festival marks the coming of spring, as well as a homage to the goddess of learning, Saraswati. Basant Panchami has a specific meaning: Basant means "spring" and Panchami means "the fifth day". The day started with Saraswati Puja in the Saraswati Lawn, performed by all the staff members along with the students of grade 12. It is customary to invite ex-staff members and support staff to join the celebration. The cultural programme commenced in true traditional fashion with a recitation of shlokas. The Indian music orchestra brought us Rag Bhairavi, while the group song, Koiliya bole ambva ki dar pe, and ended on a high note with a vibrant and lively dance performance by the students evoking the joys of spring set the tone for the joyful event. The festivities, however, were paused at 11.00 A.M. with a two-minute respectful silence to commemorate the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The Inter-house Nukkad Natak Competition on societal themes were performed, where Vasundhara House secured the first position, Yashodhara stood second with Madhavi coming third. The celebration came to an end after the Community lunch in the arena.

Duration - 30 Jan, 2020 Conference Hall

The School Managing Committee Meeting was held on 30th January 2020. Members attended the Basant Panchmi cultural program and community lunch after the meeting.

JAN 28

Duration: 27-28 Jan, 2020 Heritage Girls' School

The 4th National Cooking Competition was held at Heritage Girls' School, Udaipur from 27th to 28th January 2020. For the selection round, the host school had invited contestants to submit recipes in the following categories. · Snacks · Desserts · Curry Or the numerous recipes that were received, 47 were shortlisted for the semifinal round. SKV registered seven recipes, of which two offerings were selected as follows: 1. Dravya Choudhary (Snacks category) 2. Priyangana Mukherjee (Curry category) In the final round, contestants were required to add a surprise ingredient to their semi-final serving. From the SKV team, Priyangana Mukherjee's curry concoction was deemed worthy to be a finalist. Judging the event were Chef Vicky Ratnani, Chef Sanjeev Sharma and Chef Mughda Khare, all well-reputed gastronomes. The event provided an excellent opportunity for our young chefs to learn and improve their skills in the culinary arts. Image may contain: 23 people, people standing and indoor

JAN 26

Duration - 26 Jan, 2020 MJS Hall

The Holding House ENT NITE was organised with great enthusiasm on 26th January, 2020 in the school auditorium. The principal presided as the chief guest. After a prayer dance, a group of class 6 students ingeniously presented their daily routine and their learning outcomes through a rap song. Another group of Class 6 students used the rap format to express how a boarding school like SKV has impacted their lives. Another rap song was performed by a class 7 student. The audience burst into peals of laughter as two Class 6 students took the stage with two hilarious comedy shows. Class 7 students showcased a yoga dance, a K Pop dance and dance on a Spanish song. The popular Andy Lara skit was well received by all. A choreographed dance-cum-fashion show on the theme "Education can change the World" was a delight to watch. The dance showcases the life and suffering of the underprivileged children, their desire to lead a life of dignity and their realization that education is the only means to overcome the challenges of an unfair world. The fashion show that followed showcased the desired outcomes that education can bring to the lives of the marginalized. The programme brought out the latent talents of the youngest group among the student body and demonstrated that the Holding House could not be held back.

Duration - 26 Jan, 2020 MJS Hall

Communication is crucial for success in the 21st century with multimedia technology reaching dizzying heights. The ability to research and organize information, while complying with the requirements of academic honesty, are soft skills that need to be a part of every school's curriculum. With this in mind, the SKV English department initiated this year an inter-house keynote competition, where the above skills are combined with declamation and audio visuals, thereby fusing together the age-old power of the spoken word with modern technology. The event was held after the Republic Day celebrations in the school auditorium. "SKV Talks" was what the banner proclaimed as being the title of this new event. And that is precisely what it was – students talking and sharing information on a wide range of topics of their interest, ranging from issues regarding women's discrimination in India, to the trials of single parenting; from sentimental outpourings on dogs as pets, to the decline of the habit of reading and the little things in life that matter. As the Principal pointed out, the standards set were very high indeed, and it is hoped that this competition will become an annual event in the school calendar. Two students from each house competed in the competition and, at the end, the positions were as follows: Vasundhara House – 1st,Yashodhara House – 2nd, Madhavi House – 3rd, Congratulations need to go to every participant in this event as each was a success in its own right.

JAN 25

Duration - 25 Jan, 2020 MITS Gwalior

Eighty-six students of grades IX and XI attended a TEDx event organised by the Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior. The theme of the event was "Maneuvering Ingenuity". The talks focused on ways to create a culture that fosters innovation, and encourages one to take small steps that can empower the world of the future. Eminent national and international speakers such Ms Malini Gowrishankar, Mr Rajagopal, Mr Vijay Kalra, Mr Utsav Mishra, Mr Ramli Ibrahim, Mr Piyush Mishra and Mr Ishan Shukla shared their thoughts on the topic with the audience.

Duration - 25 Jan, 2020 Gwalior Glory High School

The 25th of January 2020 marked the 19th death anniversary (Punyatithi) of our beloved founder, Her Highness Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia ji. In the morning, prayers and floral tributes were offered to her memory. Later in the day, under the sponsorship of our service project SANKALP, sanitary napkins were distributed to the Sahayikas of the school.

JAN 24

Duration - 24 Jan, 2020 Gwalior Glory High School

SKV participated in the facilitation round of Karo Sambhav held in Gwalior on 22nd January 2020 at Gwalior Glory High School. Seven students with two teachers, Mrs. M. Dixit and Mrs. R, Pathak, took part in teaching the all-important idea of waste management to young people, through a skit with the tagline the e-waste dhamaka. The school was bestowed with the following awards: The Golden Award, the Best Community Outreach and an award for the maximum collection of e-waste.

Duration - 24 Jan, 2020 SKV Campus

On 24th January, 2020, grades 6 to 8 participated in a reading programme entitled "one nation reading together". This was held in the school's football field, with the balmy sunshine adding a bonus to reading outdoors. It was heartening to see staff and students engrossed in a book of their choice, and the "graffiti wall" set up for the event reflected the simple joys that reading can bring in this world of hi-tech distractions.

JAN 20

Duration - 20 Jan, 2020

The first meeting of VIPNET Science was held on January20, 2020. Twenty-six students from various schools, along with their teachers, participated in the 4th workshop on microbial culture. The schools represented were -; Vidya Bhavans Public School, The Woodstock School, IATS Public School, The Radiant School and Scindya Kanya Vidyalaya Students were briefed on microbes and the culturing techniques before they were provided hands on experience of preparing culture medium - such as streaking on bacterial cultures on agar plates, and staining and observing bacteria from both soil and curd samples. The workshop provided the students with an opportunity to learn first-hand about microbiology. The planned exercises were performed with much enthusiasm and left the participants with a keen desire to further explore the microbial world on the internet and undertake additional projects.

Duration - 20 Jan, 2020 MJS Hall

Declamation is a form of oratory where one either delivers a famous speech or declaims one's personal opinions on a particular topic. The Intra-Class English Declamation Competition, held on 20 January 2020 for Classes VI to IX adopted the first definition given above, and had the contestants delivering well-known speeches by famous figures such as Martin LutherKing, Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, The competition was divided into two categories. In the first category, classes VI and VII competed while in the second category, classes VIII and IX took part. In totality, there were 10 participants. The judges were Ms. Naina Dhillon, Vice Principal, Mr. Peter Strange, HoD English and Ms. Sita Chaudhary. Participants were judged on the following criteria: oration, clarity, intonation, pronunciation and presentation. The speeches were delivered with confidence and provided the students with the opportunity to explore their skills in public speaking. The results are as follows: - CATEGORY I- CLASS VI & VII Lavanya Singh (Class VI) – 1st. position ,Shreya Agrawal (Class VII) – 2nd. position, Shanaya Hirananadani (Class VII)- 3rd.position CATEGORY II- CLASS VIII & IX Vibhuti Singh (Class VIII) & Sejal Jain(Class IX) - shared the 1st position, Prathna Agrawal (Class IX) – 2nd. position, Nritya Pillai (Class VIII) – 3rd. position