Exploring the Latest Educational Trends in 2023
Education is immensely transforming with the evolution and integration of technology and offering a new learning experience to students. Equipped with technology, the education system is expanding its horizons with a pool of learning resources that teachers and students can use to enhance the learning process. Various educational trends are rising and rapidly engulfing schools and universities to open new portals into ed-tech learning. Let us learn more about how the emerging trends in the education system are benefiting students.
Why is education important in 2023?
Education is an unceasing process of acquiring knowledge, values and virtues through reading and learning in a disciplined and systematic environment from childhood to the rest of life. Every child is guaranteed the right to education to become a learned, awoken, and intellectual individual. Education paves the way for bigger and better opportunities where children from all socioeconomic backgrounds, religions, classes, and castes can come together and get equal education. It is not only crucial for professional growth but also highlights the personal growth of children.
Educational institutions such as schools, universities and colleges are dedicated to nurturing the holistic growth of students in a sound and disciplined environment. Since education plays a vital and integral role in the life of students, the government has built schools and colleges for students below the poverty line to offer them free-of-cost education or charge less than regular fees.
What is the purpose of education for students?
- Enhancing knowledge and skills– Students gain knowledge in whatever they experience, read, learn, and see. Education is a primary medium of learning that not only instructs theoretically but also assists practical applications of what is learned in the daily life activities of students. Studying in school helps students build essential teamwork, leadership, time management, discipline, and problem-solving skills.
- Socially awakened– Education is a primary tool that empowers students to not only know about the social happenings but also actively have an opinion and prepare to change it. Students from diverse backgrounds and cultures interact in schools and share their experiences and perspectives to reduce social disparities.
- Financial progress– In the long run, learned students can build a better financial career with better skills, talents, and potential. Education awakens and enlightens them, and students explore their potential in the global professional background. Schools prepare students for further studies and mould them into professional individuals.
- Intrapersonal growth– Good equality education opens a world of opportunity for ideas and thought processes for students where they learn to build their definition of right and wrong and have their own opinions. It fosters self-identity, confidence, communication skills, self-awareness and adaptability to changes. Students learn to act with modesty and keep a check on their emotional and mental well-being.
- Critical, cognitive and creative thinking– Students go to school to gain knowledge and polish their cognitive thinking that they apply in their daily lives. They come across daily challenges that require students to think creatively, logically and practically instead of letting emotions get the best of them. It helps students exercise critical thinking abilities to solve problems and come to well-informed solutions.
What are the new educational trends in 2023?
A few of the current trends in education are-
- Artificial Intelligence– Technology is taking over the education sector, and with AI, schools can easily offer customised learning, tasks, feedback and world-class educational resources. Teachers and students are actively exploiting AI-powered chatbots such as ChatGPT and Bard to dig out more educational work without going deeper into research. By using artificial intelligence in education, schools can feed student data into systems for AI to analyse their performance reports and suggest improvement methods.
- Hybrid Education– Since olden times, schools have offered offline education where students visit the school to study. The post-pandemic era has accommodated the hybrid learning structure into the streamlining of education. It is a blend of offline and online learning that offers flexibility to students, especially those who are disabled, to visit the campus.
- Microlearning– Centering on the focus span of students, schools are integrating microlearning into their curriculum, where the theory topic is divided into bite-sized units to complete within an hour. These are e-learning modules that are concise and crisp and meant to jog the learner’s memory in a short time.
- Gamification– It is a new tool integrated into the education industry where studying objectives are simulated with the help of games. For example- Duolingo is an example of gamification as the app allows students to learn languages by using gaming elements such as earning badges, unlocking new levels, and achieving goals to earn rewards. It is an exhilarating and intellectually exciting experience for students, away from traditional learning methods.
- AR/VR classrooms– Various schools have stepped to the next level by offering an immersive educational experience to their students through augmented reality(AR) and virtual reality (VR) in education. It allows schools to offer a simulated experience where students can witness various historical events and biological processes, and is extremely important for college-going students specialising in certain subjects.
- Experiential learning– Practical learning is the need of the new generation of kids. Schools emphasise project-based learning by offering summer projects and internships and allowing distance learning while doing jobs. This way, students theoretically understand their curriculum and get hands-on experience in their fields.
- Global education– Education has no bounds, so many students aim to go abroad for further studies.
Considering the demand for
global education, schools are teaching foreign languages as an additional subject, offering cultural exchange programmes. Schools foster cultural competency and cross-cultural communication skills to transform students into global citizens. - Social media-powered learning– Students spend most of their time scrolling through their phones and visiting various social media apps. To make the best use of that time, various educational institutions such as schools, coaching, and online classes have started uploading educational content on social media sites such as Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.
What are the new changes in the education system in 2023?
New educational trends are not only focused on technology but also on changing policies. The new policies in the education system have been formulated keeping in mind the current educational needs of students.
- Replacing the 10+2 with 5+3+3+4 structure– Previously, the education system was divided into ten years of secondary education and two years of higher secondary education, followed by the respective graduation. But now, the new educational structure will divide schooling into five years of foundational learning (pre-primary to class II), three years of preparatory learning ( class III- V), three years of middle-stage learning (class VI-VIII), followed by 4-year secondary learning ( class IX-XII). The new educational structure intends to offer students an all-rounded, holistic and well-rounded education.
- Inclusion of three languages– English and Hindi are the two primary mediums of education throughout India. However, the new educational policy emphasises teaching a third regional language to all students to promote linguistic diversity and cultural understanding.
- Board exams twice a year– Earlier, the board exams were held once at the end of the year, and the terror surrounding the exam was immensely seen in students. To reduce this pressure, the new education policy governs that board exams will be held twice yearly.
What is the future of the education system?
- The future of the Indian education system relies on experiential and progressive learning, where teachers collaborate with technological evolutions to formulate the best lesson planning and teaching methodology and offer personalised learning.
- The various tech trends, such as integrating AI, VR, AR, and social media learning, will revolutionise the education industry by offering access to a pool of educational resources and learning material at all times.
- The education system is moving and becoming more flexible by valuing distance learning, remote learning, hybrid learning and pursuing two degrees parallelly.
- Globalisation in education is focused on transforming students into global citizens and preparing them to become world leaders.
- Higher studies are gradually moving towards industry-based learning, where students rely on practical education more than traditional theoretical learning.
These various educational trends in the education sector are turning out to be the future revolution for students and intellectual upliftment.
SKV is a female boarding school dedicated to providing world-class education with experiential and progressive learning. We offer education to girls from classes VI onwards and extend a range of subjects, including Maths, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Psychology, and many more to fulfil the educational needs of students.