Europe: Job Shadowing Program: Journey Commences
Europe: Job Shadowing Program: Journey Commences
With wind underneath their wings, our SciKas flew to Paris, commencing their journey into the Job Shadowing Program. This one of a kind program seeks to provide our girls with a clearer and in-depth understanding of varied professions ranging from Fashion, Aviation, Medicine to Scientific Research, Banking, AI etc. Spread across 4 countries, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, and Finland, SciKas of class 10, 11, and 12, take on the world of work by storm.
Urvashi Pandey
Career & Guidance Counsellor
Europe: Job Shadowing Program: Fashion and Design.
Interacting with the wonderful team at Esmod School of Fashion and Design, SciKas learnt about designing, fashion opportunities, luxury product management, conceptualising design, working with technical design, and study opportunities.
by :
Urvashi Pandey, School Career & Guidance Counsellor.