SEP 30

Inter Class English Story Writing Competition (Class VI-XII)

During English classes

Incharge- Ms. G. Kohli

Fond memory of Late H.H. Maharaja MadhavRao Scindia

Incharge- Ms.Gurvinder & Usha House

SEP 23

Inter HouseOil Painting Competition (Srs.)

Art Room

Incharge- Dr. A. Rastogi

Inter House Dress Designing Competition(Srs)

Incharge- Ms. S.Chaudhary

SEP 17

Mathematics Quiz (IX-X)

2:45 PM

Incharge- Mathematics Department

Inter House Athletics-Seniors(X to XII)

Incharge- HoD Sports

SEP 09

Inter House Line Work Competition (Srs.)

Art Room 2:45 - 3:45 PM

Incharge- Dr. A. Rastogi

Inter House Folk Dance Competition (OPEN)

MJS Hall 2:45 - 3:45 PM

Incharge- Ms. K. Pillai

Inter HouseTaal Vadhya Kachahari(OPEN)

MJS Hall 3:45 - 4:45 PM

Incharge- Mr.V.Rathore

Inter House Computer Quiz (Written)-OPEN

Class VIIA 2:45 - 3:45 PM

Incharge- - Ms. M. Gupta

Inter House Hindi Poetry Writing Competition (Srs.)

Class VIIA 2:45 - 3:45 PM

Incharge- Ms.A. Kashyap

Inter House Comic Strip Competition

Library 2:45 - 3:45 PM

Incharge- Ms. G. Kohli

SEP 07

Inter House Basketball -Seniors (X to XII)

Incharge- HoD Sports

Entertainment Night- Usha House

MJS Hall 7:00 - 8:00 PM

Incharge- HM and House Mothers

Nutrition Week ends

Incharge- Ms. S. Chaudhary

SEP 06

Inter HouseBasketball -Seniors(X to XII)

Incharge- HoD Sports

Faculty Meeting- English

Incharge- HoD English

SEP 05

Teacher's Day

Incharges- Ms. S. Luthra & Head Girl

SEP 04

Intra Class Basketball -Juniors (VI & VII)

Incharge- HoD Sports

Review Meeting(VI-XII)

Conference Room 2:45 PM

SEP 03

Intra ClassBasketball-Juniors(VI & VII)

Incharge- HoD Sports

Mathematics Quiz(VI-VIII)

MJS Hall 2:00 - 3:00 PM

Incharge-Mathematics Department

Health and Hygiene Checkup III(VI-XII)begins

Incharge- Dr. A. Mittal